Thursday, February 25, 2010

My dinner before I return for the weekend (Sam speaks)


So I decided to cook up all my leftovers today since I'm going back for the weekend + Monday and think most of it are expiring. Opened my fridge and found that I had enough to cook myself some "Fettuccine ala leftover". Here's the recipe:
  1. Firstly, turn on the TV so at least if you scream like a girl caused by oil splatter your neighbors will think it's the TV.
  2. Next the Fettuccine, but before that take a cauldron out, fill it up with water, turn the heat up to maximum then let it boil. 
  3. Take a shower.
  4. Water should be boiled by now. Drop in a few spoonful of salt.
  5. Thrown in whatever Fettuccine, spaghetti, maggi, and wait till it all gets soft. (I just had fettuccine :))
  6. Once satisfied with the springiness, take the cauldron out and leave it at the side.
  7. Next, my favourite part. Have an ice cream to cool down while watching a disney movie.
  8. (3mins later). Time to cook the leftovers!
  9. Ok, I had some bacon and sausages that was stuck to my freezer (must be still good cause the Freezer liked it so much that it licked and not let go)
  10. Take a saucepan, oil it, throw it all in and stir. (Oh yah, before this defrost the meat real good.)
  11. Once it smells good and you think it's cooked, throw in the sauce (I had a leftover sauce in a can from previous cooking endeavor)
  12. *uh oh, not enough sauce!! Need to improvise! Open the fridge again...I see milk.
  13. Pour in the milk. Ok, now too watery. Let's make it look creamy and thick. *what else do I have in the fride. Ah, cheese and butter.
  14. Throw those in.
  15. Stir a bit over slow fire. Looks creamy and delicious now.
  16. Next, strain the Fettuccine. Then put the Fettuccine in the saucepan with the sauce! (save one plate to wash)
  17. Mix it all up real good. 
  18. Pour it all in a plate. Top it off with some leftover black pepper and chilly powder *I like it to have a little kick.
  19. For drinks, Juice mix with sprite :)
  20. A meal is complete, voila "Fettuccine ala leftovers in 20 steps"
*This is the real thing

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