Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The saga continues... (Charis cooks. Again!)

I'm not as diligent as Samuel when it comes to updating our blog but there's just SO MUCH to update our friends and family after a really fantastic wedding weekend. A lot of you have been asking us how are things after the wedding and honeymoon. If you have been following me on Facebook, you will see that I've been keeping busy with the house, the cooking and shopping (but not the usual shopping!). 

Bangkok just moved into the rainy season which means a high temperature (my thermometer registered a 34°C few days back!) and high humidity. I have to think twice each time I want to go out - good thing everything we need is within walking distance. A lot of you have asked us if it's a good time to come visit. Well, life still goes on as usual here but the best advice is to just stay away from the "red zones". The skytrain is back to its normal schedule again so transportation is not an issue. Perhaps the biggest blow to tourists is that the popular malls where the red zones are camping at have been closed for more than a month. Other than that, everywhere else is business as usual.

And now back to why I'm finally posting:
Yes! I've been busy in the kitchen as well - busy revealing all my "tricks" in the kitchen in my years of cooking experience (which isn't much!). I think it is one of the best moment in the world to see your husband burp loudly and rub his tummy heartily after gobbling the dinner you cooked for 2 hours in 15 minutes =) Samuel posted some pictures on FB of what he cooked last weekend (Ramly burgers for brunch and grilled drumlets marinated with char siu sauce for dinner):

Now it's the wife's turn! What contributed to Samuel's weight gain in the last 2 weeks?

Presenting, from Char-Broil's award-winning "Everybody Grills!- Put Sizzle in Your Grill!" Lemon & Ginger Grilled Salmon Steak with garlic rice and coleslaw. Enjoy!
And for dessert!

But nothing beats the picture of a satisfied husband!

Time for us to hit the gym soon, Samuel! :)

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